Create Centerlines

Running programmatically

Creates centerlines from polygon features.





Centerlines Inside Polygons

Input Dataset


Centerlines Inside Polygons

Result (Detail

Centerlines Outside Polygons

Input Dataset


Centerlines Outside Polygons

Result (Detail)

Input and Result if the create separate centerline for each polygon option / Create Centerlines Single is used.

Input and Result if the create separate centerline for each polygon option / Create Centerlines Single is used.

Running Programmatically

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Create Centerlines


Expression Explanation
Function Name CreateCenterlines
<input dataset> A String representing the input layer. Must be of Polygon type.
<output dataset> A String - the full name of the output layer.
<location option> A String indicating the location of the centerlines to be created. "in" - centerlines inside the input polygons (rivers, streets, etc.) - "out" - centerlines outside the input polygons (cadastre, etc.)
<Max Width> A Double representing the maximum width of the polygons (in the units of the spatial reference of the input dataset.
<Min Width< A Double representing the minimum width of the polygons (in the units of the spatial reference of the input dataset.

Running the function

ETGWPath used in the table below is the  full path to ETGWRun.exe (E.G. "C:\Program Files\ETSpatial Techniques\ETGeo Wizards\ETGWRun.exe")

Language Syntax
Python[ETGWPath, "CreateCenterlines", "input dataset", "output dataset", "location option" "Max Width", "Min Width"])
.NET using ETGWRun.exe StartInfo.FileName = ETGWPath
StartInfo.Arguments = "CreateCenterlines" "input dataset" "output dataset" "location option" "Max Width" "Min Width"
.NET using ETGWOutX.dll CreateCenterlines(input dataset, output dataset, location option, Max Width, Min Width)
ArcPy arcpy.CreateCenterlines(input dataset, output dataset, location option, "Max Width", "Min Width")

Create Centerlines Single


Expression Explanation
Function Name CreateCenterlinesSingle
<input dataset> A String representing the input layer. Must be of Polygon type.
<output dataset> A String - the full name of the output layer.
<Max Width> A Double representing the maximum width of the polygons (in the units of the spatial reference of the input dataset.
<Min Width< A Double representing the minimum width of the polygons (in the units of the spatial reference of the input dataset.

Running the function

ETGWPath used in the table below is the  full path to ETGWRun.exe (E.G. "C:\Program Files\ETSpatial Techniques\ETGeo Wizards\ETGWRun.exe")

Language Syntax
Python[ETGWPath, "CreateCenterlinesSingle", "input dataset", "output dataset", "Max Width", "Min Width"])
.NET using ETGWRun.exe StartInfo.FileName = ETGWPath
StartInfo.Arguments = "CreateCenterlinesSingle" "input dataset" "output dataset" "Max Width" "Min Width"
.NET using ETGWOutX.dll CreateCenterlinesSingle(input dataset, output dataset, Max Width, Min Width)
ArcPy arcpy.CreateCenterlinesSingle(input dataset, output dataset, "Max Width", "Min Width")


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