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Split Polyline With Layer

Go to ToolBox Implementation

Splits a polyline layer with the features of a Point, Polyline or Polygon layer.





  Before Split After Split
Polyline Layer with Polyline Layer.

Attributes updated with Range Address split rule

before_split.jpg (13339 bytes) after_split.jpg (15066 bytes)
Polyline Layer with Point Layer

Only the points within the search tolerance from the polylines are used.

before_split1.jpg (13856 bytes) after_split1.jpg (14577 bytes)

ToolBox implementation
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Command line syntax

ET_GPSplitPolylinesWithFeatureClass <input_dataset> <Split_dataset> <out_feature_class> {search_tolerance}


Expression Explanation
<input_dataset> A Polyline feature class or feature layer
<Split_dataset> A Point, Polyline or Polygon feature class or feature layer.
<out_feature_class> A String - the full name of the output feature class (A feature class with the same full name should not exist)
{search_tolerance} A Double representing  the Search tolerance (in the units of the input dataset) to be used. Ignored if the split feature class is of Polyline or Polygon type
{Update_Rules_List} A String - a list of fields with their update rules.

Scripting syntax

ET_GPSplitPolylinesWithFeatureClass (input_dataset, Split_dataset, out_feature_class, search_tolerance, Update_Rules_List)

See the explanations above:
<> - required parameter
{} - optional parameter

Example Python script:

import arcpy
arcpy.ImportToolbox("C:/Program Files/ET SpatialTechniques/ET GeoWizards 11.0 for ArcGIS 10.1/ET GeoWizards.tbx")
arcpy.gp.toolbox = "C:/Program Files/ET SpatialTechniques/ET GeoWizards 11.0 for ArcGIS 10.1/ET GeoWizards.tbx"
input_dataset = "C:\\data\\streets.shp"
split_dataset = "C:\\data\\fgdb_test.gdb\\pg2"
result = "C:\\data\\fgdb_test.gdb\\split"
arcpy.gp.ET_GPSplitPolylinesWithFeatureClass (input_dataset, split_dataset , result, 50, "Meters Proportion; Suburb Copy; L_F_ADD Range Address L_T_ADD ;L_T_ADD Range Address L_F_ADD")
Copyright © Ianko Tchoukanski