ET GeoWizards 12.7 (25 February 2024) and ET Surface 7.3
Can be used by all GIS professionals, no matter what is the GIS platform they are using.
Lots of functions available to meet any geoprocessing needs.
Native 64-bit applications. Fast and able to handle large datasets.
Stand-alone Windows applications with user friendly interface and integrated User Guide.
Seamlessly integrated in ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Pro via Add-Ins and Toolboxes.
Can be used programmatically from Python, .NET (no third party software needed) and ArcPy.
Our Products

No ArcGIS needed
A stand-alone collection of powerful data creation, manipulation, analysis and topology functions for any GIS professional.
Seamles integration with ArcGIS Desktop and Pro
Need Editing?
The most comprehensive set of editing tools for ArcMap. Increase your productivity. Create and maintain topology while editing. Make your ArcGIS work for you.
No ArcGIS needed
Create TIN and Raster surfaces, Extract Profiles, Derive Line of Sight, Calculate Volume, Cut/Fill, Visibility, Hydrology and more.
Seamles integration with ArcGIS Desktop and Pro
Developing reasonably priced, highly functional software for the GIS professionals is the prime objective of ET SpatialTechniques. ET GeoWizards for ArcGIS was first released in 2002 followed by ET GeoTools (2004) and ET Surface (2008). All 3 products were extensions for ArcGIS and became the most popular third party data processing extensions for ArcGIS.
ET GeoWizards 12.x and ET Surface 7.x are the future of our products. They can be used by all GIS professionals - no matter what their main GIS platform is, but at the same time they are seamlesly integrated in ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Pro.
Our Users
Currently we have registered users in more than 70 countries from 6 continents.